Friday, February 26, 2010


Elevated view of a stick of celery
Do you know that Celery comes from the same family as parsley and fennel? Celery has a high content of Vitamin A, and the stems are a fab source of vitamins B1, B2, B6 and C with loads of potassium, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, sodium and essential amino acids - WOW!!!!! Make a point of crunching through this delish and refreshing powerhouse daily.

Celery has many health benefits, of which some are;

  • weight loss - drink celery juice frequently it helps curb your cravings for sweets and rich foods

  • lowers blood pressure - A certain compound helps to relax the muscle around arteries, dilating the vessels and allowing blood to flow normally - drink a glass of celery juice daily

  • cancer - celery is known to contain at least eight families of anti-cancer compounds, which have been shown to stop the growth of tumour cells

  • acidity - the minerals in this magical crunch-delite effectively balances the body's blood PH, neutralizing acidity

  • cholesterol - has been shown to significantly lower total and bad cholesterol

  • constipation - a natural laxative

  • inflammation - helps to relieve problems associated with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, asthma and bronchitis

Get-a-crunchin' .............

While many foods lose nutrients during cooking, most of the compounds of celery hold up well to the cooking process - Yay for winter soups!!

Celery....Cuke 'n Tomato Smoothie - a lunchtime delight

Juice glass with celery leaf

You will need;

ice cubes, cuke, tomato, celery stalks, spinach leaves, onion and salt and pepper....Whizz and glug!

A quote from George Bernard Shaw, explaining why he turned down an invite to a vegetarian gala dinner.

"The thought of 2000 people crunching celery at the same time horrified me."

A positive thought for today;

In this new age of enlightenment, you can learn to go within to find your own savior. Know that you are the power you're looking for. - Louise L Hay

Today, think of the greed-driven consumer-based culture we live in. What is this doing to our consciousness? Be an Activist today and make a pact to simplify one thing in your life ......................... enjoy a simple barefoot Sunday..............

Peace 'n whirlpools of luv


Thursday, February 25, 2010


You can learn a lot about how nutrition and lifestyle actually affects the way you feel.

Look for answers to the following questions;

  • is there a significant amount of sugar and/or refined foods in your diet?

  • do you drink fruit juices?

  • do you skip meals or are there periods where you go without eating for longer than four hours?
  • are you shaky, irritable or weak at certain times of the day?

If you answered 'yes' to any one of the above questions, follow these suggestions for better blood sugar balance;

  • do not skip meals, especially breakfast

  • eat something every 3 to 4 hours (not large amounts of food, just snacks)

  • it is important to have some protein at every meal

  • the mineral chromium is helpful in maintaining blood sugar levels - found in nuts and wholegrains

  • limit fruits in your diet and avoid dried fruit, as these are concentrated in sugar - have no more than two pieces of fruit a day
  • include healthy fats in your diet - try coconut oil

  • exercise - toned muscle is more metabolically active and enhances blood-sugar maintenance

"Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education." -Mark Twain
Close-up of a cauliflower florets in a bowl

Grated Cauliflower with Indian spices

You will need;

Frozen peas, grated ginger 'n garlic, cumin seeds, turmeric powder, cardamom powder, salt, garam masala, coconut oil

What to do;

Grate the cauliflower. Heat the coconut oil and add the cumin seeds. When they pop add the ginger, garlic, cauliflower, peas, turmeric, salt and garam masala. Mix well, cover and cook for around 7 minutes. Mix in the cardamom powder and serve.

Remember, spices such as turmeric and ginger have anti-inflammatory properties and are also said to benefit your skin - who doesn't want to remain youthful?

Get Potting
Potted plant on window ledge, close-up

Do you know that certain plants are helpful in removing formaldehyde, benzine and carbon monoxide from the air? SO, add some of the following plants to your home;

Peace Lilly, Boston Fern, Dwarf Date Palm, Ficus Alii, Rubber Plant, Bamboo Palm, Lady Palm and Areca Palm

Today I am grateful for;

Clicks cash back vouchers, the rain in the Plett area - Yay!!!! for my friends, our own raindrops last night

Today, call your best friend and gab hands us many things both good and bad. One of the greatest gifts we receive is the love of a good friend......

Peace 'n whirlpools of luv


Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Scale and vegetables at market

There are loads of veggies which are good sources of carbohydrates. The most important thing is that for good health you should get your carbs from wholefoods. Refined carbs are those plant foods that have had a major part of their nutrition stripped through processing. So, remember the definition of WHOLEFOODS - even if something is wholegrain it does not necessarily mean that it is a wholefood eg boxed cereals, quick oats, etc have all been stripped of valuable nutrients through being heated and cooked under pressure. It is better to eat a bowl of brown rice or non-instant oatmeal. As far as veggies go, a general rule is that root veggies are higher in carbs.

High carb veggies

  • squash, sweet potatoes, potatoes, parsnips, pumpkins, turnips, beets, corn, peas, carrots, swedes

Low carb veggies

  • bean sprouts, cucumbers, asparagus, leafy greens, cabbages, cauliflowers, broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, chillies, mushrooms, aubergines, radishes, celery, onions, leeks, brussels sprouts, herbs

Include these healthy carbs in your diet

  • beans, legumes, leafy greens - raw and cooked, veggies of different colours every day, whole fruits instead of fruit juice, sea veggies such as wakame and kombu and naturally cultured veggies such as sauerkraut

Remember, carbs are your body's preferred source of energy so it is important to include in your daily meals.

Garden Green Soup

You will need;

  • spring onions, cucumber, potato, salt, veggie broth (homemade), spinach leaves, lemon juice, maple syrup, rice milk (or cream if you eat dairy)

What to do;

  • heat oil add spring onions and cook till wilted, add chopped cuke, potato and salt -cook for 5 minutes, add veggie broth and simmer until veggies are soft, add spinach, lemon juice and maple syrup.

  • blend until the soup is smooth - pour the blended soup back into a pot and add rice milk (or cream), season with more salt and pepper if required.

This soup is also good served cold

Today I am grateful for;

  • The Ayurvedic Cooking for Self-Healing Book

  • KFM radio playing in the background

  • walking barefoot

  • reading while lying on my couch

  • strawberry and mango tea

  • filtered water

Todays Wisdom Card reading

I have unlimited potential. Loving myself and thinking joyful, happy thoughts is the quickest way to create a wonderful life.

Remember, as per Mahatma Gandhi

"Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed."

Today, brew some of your fave healthy tea, take off your shoes, wear a huge floppy hat with flowers on it, find a shady spot and get grounded ......................

Have a lovely day - it's purrrrfect today.

Peace 'n whirlpools of luv


Monday, February 22, 2010


Tea glass
Rooibos tea was traditionally brewed by the Khoi people of the Cederberg mountains, who believed that it had health benefits.

Rooibos 'punch' facts;

  • an excellent source of antioxidants

  • can fight allergies

  • acts as a digestive aid therefore relieving cramps and colic in babies

  • soothes skin irritation when applied directly to the affected area

  • boosts the immune system

  • has a low tannin count, which means it does not inhibit the absorption of iron

  • contains no caffeine

  • is virtually kilojoule-free

  • contains no colourants, additives or preservatives

  • slows down the ageing process

  • may assist in the fight against certain cancers

Tea is instant wisdom, just add water. -Astrid Alauda


Ladle with tomato soup and herb, close-up

You will need;

  • 5 tomatoes, 2 red peppers, 1/4 red onion, handful of fresh basil leaves, 1 handful of cashews, 2 tablespoons olive oil, salt, 1 small handful of goji berries, 1/2 cup warm water and cayenne pepper

What to do;

  • Blend all ingredients together. Add more water if needed.

This is a fabulous and very healthy raw soup.

Wisdom card reading

I am at the centre of peace. It is safe for me to look within. Each time I look deeper into myself, I will find incredibly beautiful treasures within me.


Peace 'n whirlpools of luv


Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Blueberries on spoon
The pigments that gives berries their gorgeous blue and red hues are also good for your health.

Berries contain phytochemicals and flavanoids that are said to assist in preventing some forms of cancer. Cranberries and blueberries contain a substance that may prevent bladder infections. Blueberries and raspberries also contain lutein, which is good for healthy vision.

One cup of strawberries contains over 100mg of vitamin C, almost as much as a cup of orange juice. Vitamin C is important for immune system function and for strong connective tissue. Strawberries also add calcium, magnesium, folate and potassium to their 'super-punch'.

Berry Smoothie
close-up of a fruit smoothie

A great way to add berries to your diet is by adding them to your smoothies. You get the most amazing smoothie colours and goodness. Oh by the way - blueberries are said to boost memory.

You will need;

  • banana, berries, flaxseeds, rice milk, ice blocks and blend

This makes a delish breakfast or drinky-snack during the day, both filling and a powerhouse of goodness.

Better than any argument is to rise at dawn

and pick dew-wet red berries in a cup. - Wendell Berry

Today's Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Card Reading

"Try different ventures and experiences as a way to grow and learn."

Today, SMILE and you will see loads of smiles and warmth greeting you around every corner .............

Peace 'n whirlpools of luv


Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Bean Face

  • The presence of vitamin K in green beans makes them very good for maintaining bone health.
  • Green beans help the body to reduce the amount of free radicals and thus, prevents cholesterol from becoming oxidized and cause blocked arteries.
  • The green bean is also good for cardiovascular health, as it is rich in folate, potassium, magnesium and riboflavin.
  • The high amount of fibre found in green beans helps in lowering blood pressure.
  • Green beans help to lower the risk of colon cancer as they are high in vitamin C and beta-carotene.
  • Having anti-inflammatory properties, green beans are beneficial for those suffering from asthma, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Studies have revealed that green beans help to reduce the frequency of migraine attacks.
  • Green beans are rich in iron and therefore serve as a good source of energy.
  • Regular consumption of green beans has been associated with strengthening the immune system.

So, buy some green beans and try this easy recipe;
beans in colander

What you need;

Green beans, onion - chopped, sun-dried tomatoes chopped, garlic - chopped and olive oil, salt and pepper.

Simply saute onion and garlic in olive oil, add green beans, sun-dried tomatoes and salt and pepper. Add enough water (or stock) to cover the bottom of the pan. Cook until still crunchy. Delish served with boiled baby potatoes.


"Vegetarianism preserves life, health, peace, the ecology, creates more equitable distribution of resources,helps to feed the hungry, encourages non-violence for the animal and human members of the planet, and is a powerful aid for the spiritual transformation of the body, emotions, mind and spirit."
-Gabriel Cousins, Conscious Eating

Remember to

Today, celebrate all the gifts you have received from Life and the Universe and remind yourself that you would not want to be anyone else but you................

Have a fun day/evening.......

Peace 'n whirlpools of luv


Monday, February 15, 2010


Basil leaf in cup, close-up

Although basil is grown almost everywhere, Egypt is the principal source followed by the USA.

Basil is Greek for 'royal' or 'kingly'. Ancient Greek and Roman doctors believed that basil would grow only if its cultivators sowed the seeds while screaming wild curses and shouting unintelligibly.

The Greeks believed that only the sovereign himself, armed with his golden sickle, should be allowed to cut the basil.

In Italy, basil has always been seen as a token of love.

In Romania, when a boy accepts a sprig of basil from his girl, he is engaged.

In India the basil plant is sacred to both Krishna and Vishnu, and is cherished in every Hindu house. Every good Hindu goes to his rest with a basil leaf on his breast - the passport to paradise!

Basil is normally used to combat;

  • colds and influenza
  • poor digestion
  • nausea
  • abdominal cramps
  • migraines
  • insomnia
  • anxiety and
  • exhaustion

Basil essential oil is used with great success for headaches and helps to reduce allergies.


'A man taking basil from a woman will love her forever.' - Sir Thomas Moor

Thai-Style Eggplant and Basil Recipe

You will need;

  • olive oil, garlic, eggplant-chopped, red pepper flakes, soya sauce and loads of chopped basil

What to do;

  • fry garlic, add chopped eggplant, soya sauce and red pepper flakes and cook until eggplant is almost done - add the chopped basil and cook for another minute or so. Excellent on a slice of rye.

Magical Mermaid and Dolphin Oracle Card Reading

Play time! "The dolphins know the importance of playing, as joy creates miracles and manifestation."

Today, make a point of only surrounding yourself with positive people and situations and avoid negativity ............ here's my wish for you

Peace 'n whirlpools of luv


Friday, February 12, 2010


Gingerbread couple on plate, elevated view

Yes, a day just for YOU and it falls on a Saturday - so no excuses. YOU the awesome person, the gorgeous, clever, witty, needed, successful, loved, crazy person....the list goes on and on. I dare you to fall madly in love with YOURSELF - make a collage of words that describe the wonderful YOU and keep it on your desk to remind you of your wonderfulness.

  • take care of YOURSELF not just everyone else
  • create relationships full of unconditional love
  • de-friend people who stress you
  • design a life that supports you, not depletes you
  • focus on all the magic things YOU have done and not those you haven't
  • express instead of repress - YOUR temple(body), mind and spirit

On this fabulous 'madly in love with ME' day experience life and remember the best things in life are free;

  • look at the clouds and find shapes
  • collect sea shells and stones
  • teach your children how to cook
  • visit your botanical gardens and smell the flowers
  • explore rock pools
  • watch the sun rise
  • swim
  • sit at the ocean and marvel at nature's beauty
  • watch the sun set
  • walk in the mountains
  • take your children to the local playground and SWING
  • visit the library
  • go bird watching
  • take photographs of magical moments
  • play bat and ball on the beach
  • watch the stars
  • walk in the rain
  • go into the country and photograph the wild flowers
  • sit in your garden and read
  • swing in a hammock
  • play with your pups ..............

Some interesting fruit 'n veggie facts;

apples - protect your heart, prevent constipation, improves lung capacity and cushions joints

broccoli - strengthens bones, saves eyesight, combats cancer, protects your heart and controls blood pressure

avos - battles diabetes, lowers cholesterol, helps stop strokes, controls blood pressure and smooths skin

chilli peppers - aids digestion, soothes sore throat, clears sinuses, combats cancer and boosts the immune system

onions - reduce risk of heart attack, combats cancer, kills bacteria, lowers cholesterol and fights fungus

sweet potatoes - saves your eyesight, lifts mood, combats cancer and strengthens bones

cauliflower - protects against prostrate cancer, combats breast cancer, strengthens bones, banishes bruises and guards against heart disease

Tostadas - you will need;

  • corn tortillas, beans eg pinto, black eyed, etc, hing, chilli powder, cumin powder, shredded lettuce, tomato, black olives, grated cheese (also very good sans cheese), olive oil

what to do;

  • add hing and chilli powder to heated olive oil then stir in beans and cumin powder, and mash to a thick paste (add a bit of water if too thick)
  • Spread the refried beans onto the tortilla and tomp with lettuce, tomato, olives and grated cheese

A fab meal for a lazy Sunday evening.

Magical mermaid and dolphin oracle card reading

Worthiness - know that you deserve to receive good in all ways.

Today I am grateful for;

  • the wonderful fresh veggies I bought today
  • Friday
  • my fabulous bedroom
  • yoga
  • my peaceful life
  • ocean breeze fragrance oil
  • earl grey tea
  • slip slops - the le cheap rubber ones
  • The Lighthouse Family Greatest Hits CD
  • my papsti
  • my giant green 'n blue paper clip

Today, celebrate who you are now not who you may be later............ and ENJOY 'madly in love with me' day on Saturday.............

Have a cha-cha-cha weekend

Peace 'n whirlpools of luv


Wednesday, February 10, 2010


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The name Serpentine derives from the ancient belief that the stone was a remedy against snake bites. This probably stems from the snaky pattern on the stone.

Magic - this stone has the power to avert harm, allay fears and develop psychic skills.

Healing function - enables absorption and use of life-energy (prana) throughout the body, calms and stabilizes the mind, heightens perception, good for meditation and the harmonious integration of new states of awareness.

Practical ideas - use Serpentine when anxieties and fears prevent proper relaxation and rest. Nightmares, insomnia, paranoia and fear of the unknown can be eased by wearing or holding the stone. This stone is comforting, flowing and enlightening.


'How wonderful is it that nobody needs wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.' - Anne Frank
Lemon and couscous stuffed tomatoes
Stuffed Tomatoes in Baking Pan

You will need;

  • tomatoes, couscous, olive oil, lemon juice, chopped fresh mint, salt and pepper.

What to do;

  • Cut tomatoes in half and scoop out the seeds.

  • Cook the couscous, once cooked stir in lemon juice and mint and season with salt and pepper.

  • Spoon the couscous mixture into the tomato shells and garnish with mint leaves.

  • Tastes best served at room temperature.

Give yourself a 2 minute recharge
Woman Doing Gymnastics on Rock

Tired of sitting at your desk - do some yoga stretches - you will notice it immediately lifts your mood. So easy to do, no equipment needed. Try it.

Iceberg beliefs are often formed in childhood and are often passed down from generation to generation like an ugly heirloom.

Here are some typical ones;

  • Boys do not cry
  • If you don't do it right, it isn't worth doing
  • Never show you are hurting
  • Women must never show anger
  • Marriage is important
  • You must have children
  • Never use the pretty underwear
  • Good bed linen is only for the cupboard, etc

Today, use your 'big-girl/boy' mind to re-evaluate your iceberg beliefs and MELT them ........................

Have a lovely day/evening.

Peace 'n whirlpools of luv


Monday, February 8, 2010


Gold pen in case and thank you card

Go on - pick someone special who has made a difference in your life during the last year. This should be a person who simply made a comment and shifted your viewpoint or direction. It could even be someone who did not even know they helped you - Wham!!! it just happened.
Share this with your friends and tell people that they have made a difference, however big or small.
Write a thank you note in your journal or paste a thank you note on your vision board.
Make February the 9th a GREAT thank you day.


'How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world' - William Shakespeare.

Cauliflower and spinach stir fry

Here's what to do ........

Today's wisdom card reading

Whenever I encounter a challenge in my life, I use the experience to learn and grow.
Today I am grateful for;
  • the Obs holistic lifestyle fair (first Sunday of every month)
  • Sunday lunch and giggles with friends
  • Monday - this week will ROCK!

Today, remember to celebrate International Give Thanks Day tomorrow, wear your designer jeans and let your mystical wisdom inspire you ........

Peace 'n whirlpools of luv


Friday, February 5, 2010


Prayer Flags Against Sky

I just love the sight of colourful prayer flags fluttering in the wind - sometimes they just wave gently and other times they flap and dance crazily.

They seem to speak blessings to nature, which dissolve in the wind and bless all sentient beings.

Prayer flags have a long history and date back to ancient Tibet, China, Persia and India. The meanings of the symbols and texts are based on the concepts of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy.

The Tibetan word for prayer flag is Dar Cho. "Dar" means to increase life, fortune, health and wealth, "Cho" means all sentient beings.

Such simple bits of colourful cloth, together with the natural energy of the wind, quietly harmonize the environment - increasing happiness and all things good.

And now for a yummy pumpkin recipe - I bought this HUGE white pumpkin, so need to get creative with recipes. Here goes ............

You will need;

onion, garlic, chilli (of course), salt, pepper tin of tomatoes, olive oil, pumpkin - diced and beans (I used the big white ones - forget what they are called)

what to do;

  • saute onion, chilli and garlic till softened

  • add pumpkin and tin of tomato - cook until almost done

  • add beans

  • salt and pepper

Serve together with basmati rice and a crunchy green salad.

Here's the finished product waiting to be chowed.

Today I am grateful for;

  • Tibetan prayer flags
  • hats
  • water-lilies
  • Johnny Cash Personal File CD
  • My 1960's jeans

Wisdom Card Reading

I rise above all limitations. Whenever I encounter a challenge in my life, I use the experience to learn and grow.

Some 'Aristotle' wisdom to chow on

"We live in deeds, not years, in thoughts not breaths, in feelings not figures or dials. We should count time by hearth throbs. He most lives who thinks most, feels the noblest and acts the best."

Today, put all your energy into the present and enjoy the ebb and flow of your life ......

Have a 'wild banshee' weekend.

Peace 'n whirlpools of luv


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Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Accolades of thank you's to my family for a wonderful birthday. Peter and Janine, I have no words that could adequately describe the moment you walked into the room ..... from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU.

I had an amazing birthday weekend, post-birthday Monday braai and special times with Kent and Morgan. So, today it was back to serious stuff like work BUT with wonderful memories and a touch teary-eyed after saying goodbye.

It again proves that dreams do come true. Mostly we don't even know how close we are until after they come true. If you can feel it, see it, move towards it - it has to happen AND when it does all you can do is laugh, cry and be goofy.

Today, VOTE - vote for more fun, more hugs, more family time, more peace, more enlightenment and remember to dream and say your "thank you's" everyday ................... have a dazzling day!

Peace 'n whirlpools of luv
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