Friday, November 6, 2009



Scrumptious news for all those popcorn fans out there!

It seems that popcorn is on par with fruits and veggies in the antioxidant department. A recent study shows that this 'evergreen' fave snack contains surprisingly large levels of ployphenols, which is a natural plant antioxidant. This antioxidant is said to reduce heart disease and cancer risk by removing free radicals from the body. This substance also has up to 10 times the antioxidant effect of vitamins C and E.

So, carry-on-popping...... this of course excludes the flavoured varieties and microwave popcorn AND don't smother it in butter and salt.

"Tea is an exquisite medicine that may prolong human life. The mountain country and the valleys where tea grows is holy and powerful." - Kissa Yojoki

Unlike black tea, green tea contains large amounts of catechins, which are compounds that boast many anticancer properties.

TO MAXIMIZE the preventative effects allow your tea to brew for 8 - 10 minutes. Japanese green teas are said to have higher levels of anti-cancer compounds.

Always drink your green brew fresh and try to drink three cups daily.

Today I am grateful for;

  • being able to sit in my pyjamas while writing this post (drinking green tea)
  • the internet - endless fun 'n learning
  • last night's wonderful sleep
  • last night's left over salad, which I dived into for breakfast - just added an avo for extra 'punch'

Last night's dinner;

Fun times with my family ..... Mexican wraps and a huge salad together with cheese bread sticks. Nice 'n easy, just get everyone to prepare and roll their own wrap.

Urban Goddess Inspiration (Lulu McNamara);

When out on your travels, build up a little collection of shells, leaves, stones, rocks, driftwood and branches. Not only are these naturally beautiful, but they also carry the energy of the earth and sea, and they are completely free ....Look at the work of artists like Andrew Goldsworth for inspiration.

Place a Buddha in your home. Whatever your spiritual inclination, the Buddha, as a symbol of compassion and loving-kindness, will always cast a benign influence over your surroundings.


a friend is someone who thinks you're a good egg even though you're slightly cracked!

This weekend breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and supper like a pauper - enjoy the cool, windy outdoors and find time for a blustery walk along the ocean. Don't forget to play lots, love, giggle and be grateful .......

Peace 'n whirlpools of luv


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