Monday, January 18, 2010



Did you know that watermelon belongs to the same family as pumpkin and squash.

Watermelons are native to the Kalahari Desert. The earliest recorded watermelon crop was recorded in hieroglyphics in Egypt, about 5000 years ago. The Egyptians revered the watermelon and left it in the graves of their dead so it could be eaten in the afterlife.

This crunchy, pinkish delight is made up of over 90% water. It is truly a great food for people wanting to loose weight, as the body actually uses more calories to digest the watermelon than it provides.

As a result of its high water content the watermelon offers more nutrients per calorie than many other fruits. It is a very good source of vitamin C, beta carotene, several B vitamins including B3, B5 and B6 as well as the minerals biotin, potassium and magnesium. In addition to this it provides a good amount of dietary fibre.

Great for summer - it keeps the body well hydrated, is an excellent diuretic and helps to prevent fluid build up. Watermelon also contains lycopene, which is an antioxidant and the plant pigment that gives tomatoes, watermelon and grapefruit their red colour. Lycopene provides many health benefits and can aid in heart disease prevention and reduce the risk of certain cancers such as hormone related cancers and digestive tract cancers.

What to do with watermelon;
  • good in smoothies (include pips) or juice
  • yummy as a salad with feta
  • eat as is - wearing a bib
  • add to fruit salad


Peace in the Wilderness - Aranna Sutta

Standing to one side of him, a deva said to the Buddha:

These people who dwell in wild places,

living a life so peaceful and simple,

eating just one meal a day,

how is it that they look so serene?

The Buddha said:

They are not sorrowing about the past,

or longing for the future.

They are living in the present.

That's why they look so serene.

It is by sorrowing about the past

and longing for the future

that foolish people wither away,

like green reeds drying in the sun.

Scrumptious Recipe

Double Broccoli Quinoa

You will need;

3 cups cooked quinoa, 5 cups raw broccoli, cut into small florets and stems, 3 garlic cloves, slivered almonds - toasted, grated parmesan, salt, lemon juice, olive oil

What to do;

Cook broccoli just long enough to take the edge off - set aside

To make the broccoli pesto puree two cups of the cooked broccoli, garlic, almonds, Parmesan, salt and lemon juice. Drizzle in the olive oil.

Just before serving, toss the quinoa and remaining broccoli florets with the pesto. Drizzle with chilli oil top with sliced avocado and some slivered almonds.

Today I am grateful for the wonderful weekend I had;

  • long, lazy vegetarian breakfast @ Arnolds on Sunday
  • sunshine, pizza and spritzers on Saturday afternoon lingering into the early evening hours - bliss!
  • my garden mole - he just won't move on

Spiritual Activism

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead

Today, trust in our Universe -however or whomever you believe created you. Trust that you are on the right path, that things will work out for you. You deserve to enjoy your awesome life. Most importantly trust yourself, your family and your friends and your anxiety levels will drop ........................

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