Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Teapot and green tea

Yes everybody, it's time to detox. We need to give our 'temples' a well-deserved break after over-indulging during the fabulous, frisky festive season. To detox naturally is easy. This need not be difficult, here are a few simple tips you can incorporate into your daily life.

watercress : add to salads, soups and sandwiches. These peppery little gems have a diuretic effect that helps move stuff through your system. Added bonus - rich in minerals.
garlic : a blood cleanser and natural antibiotic, it also reduces blood fats thinning the blood and lowering blood pressure. Also activates liver enzymes that help filter out the junk. Eat raw for max benefits. If we all eat it we won't notice the smell.
sesami seeds : protect liver cells from the damaging effects of alcohol and other chemicals - WOWZA!!!
green tea : speeds up liver activity. Remember, if your liver is healthy your immune system is strong.
coriander : accelerates the excretion of mercury, lead and aluminium from the body - a super duper contributor in the detox process.
cayenne pepper : purifies the blood, increases fluid elimination. Add to your morning lemon water.
ginger : stimulates blood circulation.
parsley : flushes the kidneys. Chew on parsley throughout the day.
cabbage : dive into coleslaw sans the mayo - cabbage activates the two main types of detoxifying enzymes in the liver.
green leafies : protect the liver and help to wipe out environmental toxins such as pesticides and heavy metals. Beetroot is also recommended.
lemons : a powerhouse detox vitamin as it helps to convert toxins into a water-soluble form that is easily flushed away. Add to water for an all day refreshing drink.

Together with the above..... take a deep breath and slow down, lighten up, learn to laugh at yourself and be happy.

Do you know???
It takes five of today's apples to get the equivalent amount of nutrition as one apple from 1965 ( Healing our World - Hippocrates Health Institute). Where do you see the nutritional situation 50 years from now???? Our soil is dying!

Morning Detox Smoothie
banana, apple, watermelon (including pips), goji berries, flax and sesami seeds, wheatgrass powder,lemon juice and cayenne pepper. Whizzzzzzzz in a blender and glug!

Try to drink/eat only juice or smoothies until supper.

Nelson Mandela turned to this poem for support during his dark times on Robben Island.
Out of the night that covers me,
black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
for my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
my head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
looms but the horror of the shade,
and yet the menace of the years
finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
how charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul. - William Ernest Henley

Today, remember to accept the good with the bad. Each one is there to teach us - good or bad would not exist without each other. Notice the blessings around you and you will notice all the things that make your life exquisite. And, most importantly, our thoughts create our future. Have fun and dream ..........

Have a nice day everyone.

Peace 'n whirlpools of luv

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