Monday, October 5, 2009


Today is my very first post - excited and nervous - but I bet it will provide oodles of fun and a HUGE learning experience.

My other first for October 2009 is learning to use my camera - my cuz Karin very aptly calls this "seeing the world through God's Sony eyes".

- Firstly, a much needed explanation regarding the name of my blog.

PEACE : This relates to my love of John Lennon's tunes and Yoko Ono's style. I'm a closet hippie-chick, plaits, tie-dye mini skirts, ankle chains, bell-bottoms, The Beatles and Woodstock make me swoon! World peace is something we can all contribute to by living, promoting and teaching a peaceful existence in our own little corner of the world. And most importantly peace is good for the soul.

VEGGIES : I love God's gift of plant food and am a strict vegetarian and a struggling vegan. I intend to share interesting recipes, health tips (after all it's sexy to be healthy) and my struggles to avoid all things dairy, especially cheese.

HEARTBEATS AT MY FEET : My two pups Toffee 'n Shinga. Well, they can't exactly be called pups anymore, as they are definitely in the twilight of their lives. They are my ever faithful friends, partners and teachers who have guided me through dark times. Thank you for sharing your bouncy and inquisitive lives with me - this blog is dedicated to both of you.

- My daily ritual - wisdom reading card. Do you have a daily ritual?

"It is only a thought and a thought can be changed.

The thoughts I choose to think and believe right now

are creating my future. These thoughts form my

experiences tomorrow, next week and next year."

Louise Hay

- What are you grateful for on this fun-loving Monday?

- Here's my gratitude list;

* my health

* wispy clouds and juicy rays of sunshine

* my Papsti

* yummy cauliflower in my fridge

* my neighbour's kitties frolicking in my garden

* a new week with new opportunities

* being alive

* thinking about turning 50 in 4 months time - Yay!!!!

* my brother Manf and darlingest sister-in-law Kathy

* kindness

* my home

* my new camera (lovingly selected by my big brother)

* yesterday's wonderful pic of Morgan (my itsy-bitsy fashionista)

Wow! I could go on and on ...............

- Monday's Veg Inspirations : Courtesy of The World Peace Diet

Of itself, veganism is not a panacea, but it effectively removes a basic hindrance to our happiness, freedom and unfoldment. As a living and ongoing expression of non-violence, it is an enormously powerful agent of transformation in our individual lives, especially since our culture opposes it so vehemently.

- Wise words to remember : The worst mistake you can make is to think you are alive when really, you are asleep in life's waiting room. (author unknown)

Peace 'n whirlpools of luv


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